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lundi 26 novembre 2012
CONTROL-M/EM Messages ( errors, etc ) part 1
Failed to refresh deleted alerts from database. Deleted alerts will be refreshed in
the next refresh.
Your database may be experiencing problems, or the ALARM table
may not exist. During each specified period of time, the Global Alerts Server
(GAS) refreshes the list of the alerts saved in its memory and deletes from its
memory the alerts that were deleted by the Gateway from the database, thereby
synchronizing the list of alerts saved in the memory and in the database.
System action:
When the problem is corrected, the GAS will refresh deleted
alerts in the next refresh period.
Failed to insert new alert (alert number = alertNumber, data center = dataCenter,
severity = severity, order id = orderID).
A new alert may contain invalid data. The Global Alerts Server
(GAS) receives an indication from the Gateway that a new alert was inserted
into the database. Due to invalid data in the alert or a lack of important
information, the GAS failed to create a new alert in the memory from the data
received from the database.
The variables in this message are:
- alertNumber – the alert number
- dataCenter – the data center that issued the alert
- severity – the severity of the alert
- orderID – the order ID of the specified alert
System action:
The new alert is not displayed by the Global Alerts Client.
Failed to update alert (alert number = alertNumber, data center = dataCenter,
severity = severity, order id = orderID).
An alert in the database may contain invalid data.
The Global Alerts Server (GAS) received the indication from Gateway that the
specified alert was updated in the database. Due to invalid data in the alert or a
lack of important information, the GAS failed to create a new alert in the
memory from the data received from the database.
The variables in this message are:
- alertNumber – the alert number
- dataCenter – the data center that issued the alert
- severity – the severity of the alert
- orderID – the order ID of the specified alert
System action:
No update for this alert is displayed by the Global Alerts Client.
Contact BMC Software Customer Support.
Failed to read alert from database (alert number = alertNumber) because of
database problems.
The Global Alerts Server (GAS) failed to read the new or updated
alert from the database.
System action: New alerts or alert updates are not displayed by the Global Alerts
Failed to update alerts for data center dataCenter because of database problems.
Problems with the database cause the Global Alerts Server (GAS)
to fail to read the alerts from the CONTROL-M/Server, when the connection
with the server was established.
System action:
The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
GAS failed to load alerts from the database when starting. Exiting...
Your database may be experiencing Customer problems. The
Global Alerts Server (GAS) failed to load alerts from the database when starting.
System action:
The GAS shuts down.
Condition could not be sent to data center dataCenter (reason = reason, odate =
date, condition = condition).
The specified condition could not be distributed to the requested
data center.
The variables in this message are:
dataCenter – the data center name
- an explanation of the failure:
- Failed to connect to the target data center
— Stopped trying to send because the maximum number of retries was reached.
— Stopped trying to send because the condition was older than the value
specified by the gc_unsent_wait parameter in the Global Conditions Server.
– the order date.
System action:
The global condition was not distributed to the specified data
center. Therefore, production flow may be negatively affected.
If production flow was affected, ensure that the problem is fixed. For example, if
necessary, add this condition manually on the target data center.
DO Remedy is not Supported on platformName for service serviceName
Explanation: The serviceName service has requested a DO Remedy action, but
DO Remedy actions are not Supported on the platformName platform.
Explanation: A Remedy ticket is not opened.
User response: Remove the DO Remedy definition from the BIM service action
DO SIM is not Supported on platformName for service serviceName
Explanation: The serviceName service has requested a DO SIM action, but DO
SIM actions are not Supported on the platformName platform.
No SIM message describing the service problem is sent.
User response:
Remove the DO SIM definition from the BIM service action list.
BIM Server is not installed
The BIM Server has not been installed.
User response:
Install the BIM Server.
Mail Server didn’t respond
Explanation: The Mail Server did not respond.
User response: Check the EmailServer system parameter.
Forecast Server is not installed
Explanation: The Forecast Server has not been installed.
User response: Install the Forecast Server.
Bad or Unknown Auth Category: category, for Destination: destination,
Explanation: The category value in the ACTIONS_AUTH database table is
The variables in this message are:
category – the category to which the authorized actions belong. Valid values
destination – the component that handles the request.
request – the name of the request.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Bad or Unknown Auth Level: level, for Destination: destination, request:request
Explanation: The authorization level value in the ACTIONS_AUTH database
table is invalid.
The variables in this message are:
level – the authorization level value. Valid values are:
destination – the component that handles the request.
request – the name of the request.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Bad or Unknown Request. Destination: destination, request:request
Explanation: The destination and request name pair are not found in the
ACTIONS_AUTH database table.
The variables in this message are:
destination – the component that handles the request.
request – the name of the request.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Request Permission Denied. Destination: destination, request:request
Explanation: The user does not have permission to perform the request.
The variables in this message are:
destination – the component that handles the request.
request – the name of the request.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Assign permission to the user to perform the specified request.
Fail To Get Component Details. Machine: host, Type: type, Name: component;
Code: error
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server failed to locate the target
component for the CTL request.
The variables in this message are:
host – the component host.
type – the type of the component.
component – the name of the component.
error – the internal error code.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Verify that the requested component is up and running, and
perform the request again.
CTL Request Failed. Machine: host, Type: type, Name: component; Code: error
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server failed to send the CTL
request to the target component.
The variables in this message are:
host – the component host.
type – the type of the component.
component – the name of the component.
error – the internal error code.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Verify that the requested component is up and running, and
perform the request again.
XML Parse Error.
Explanation: An attempt to parse an XML input document failed.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Repeat the last action.
Handler Not Found For Request: name.
Explanation: The request is not Supported by the Configuration Management
In this message, name is the name of the request.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
XML Distributor Internal Error: message.
Explanation: An internal error occurred in the Configuration Management
In this message, message is the explanation of the error.
XML Distributor Internal Error: ID does not exist
Explanation: The polling ID could not be found in the Configuration
Management Server repository.
System action: The polling request is denied.
Gate Error Received: error.
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server received an error from
In this message, error is the error that was received from CONTROL-M.
User response: Check CONTROL-M messages for more information.
Gate Protocol Error: error.
Explanation: An internal CMS Gate communication error occurred in the
Configuration Management Server.
In this message, error provides additional information about the specific
CMS Gate Request Timeout, CONTROL-M: name Request: request.
Explanation: A request sent by the Configuration Management Server to the
CONTROL-M Configuration Agent was not replied to within the time specified
by the AdminRequestTimeout parameter.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
request – the internal request sent by the Configuration Management Server to the CMS Gate.
System action: The request times out.
User response: Increase the value of the AdminRequestTimeout parameter and
submit the request again.
CMS Gate Request Aborted, CONTROL-M: name Request: request.
Explanation: A request sent by the Configuration Management Server and the
CONTROL-M Configuration Agent has been lost. The request’s completion
status is unknown.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
request – the internal request sent by the Configuration Management Server to
the CMS Gate.
System action: A communications error occurred.
Check that communications are operating properly, and then perform the
request again.
Check that the requested component is up and running, and perform the
request again.
CMS Gate Discover Failed, Reason: reason; Host: host, Port: port.
Explanation: A CMS Gate discover operation failed. Possible reasons are
incorrect host or port parameters, or the CONTROL-M Configuration Manager
on CONTROL-M is not running.
The variables in this message are:
reason – the reason for the failure, if available.
host – the CONTROL-M host name.
port – the CONTROL-M port.
System action: The reason for the failure is explained in this message. No
information is received from the Configuration Management Server.
User response: Do the following:
Check the reason displayed in this message, and then perform the operation
If the host and port parameters are correct, and CONTROL-M Configuration
Manager is up and running, check the cmsg_log file located in
<EM INSTALL DIR>/log folder for more information.
CMS Failed Sending Command To CONTROL-M: name; RC: rc.
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server failed to send the request to
CONTROL-M. Communication with the CONTROL-M Configuration Manager
could not be established.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
rc – the internal error code.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Check that the CONTROL-M is connected, and then perform the
request again.
Component Info Parsing Error. Request: request
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server fail to extract component
information from the input XML document.
In this message, request is the request name.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Repeat the last action.
Component With The Same Key Already exists. Key: key
Explanation: An attempt to create a component failed, since a component with
the same key already exists in the Configuration Management Server repository.
In this message, key is the component key. The key may be:
type, host, or name for CONTROL-M/EM
type or name for CONTROL-M
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Change the component key, and attempt to create the component
Unable to perform the operation. Reason: Component not found (It was probably
deleted by another console). Component details: type=type host=host
Explanation: The requested component was not found in the Configuration
Management Server repository.
The variables in this message are:
type – the component type.
host – the name of the host on which the component is installed.
name – the logical name of the component.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Refresh the Configuration Management Server view, and
perform the request again.
SQL Operation Failed, RC: rc, Message: text
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server encountered an error while
accessing the EM database.
The variables in this message are:
rc – the internal error code.
text – the SQL error message, if available.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Try to access the database again.
Set Desired State Failed, RC: rc
Explanation: An attempt to change the desired state failed.
In this message, rc is the internal error code.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Try to change the state again.
Unable to perform the operation. Reason: CONTROL-M name not found (It was
probably deleted by another console)
Explanation: The CONTROL-M that is the destination of the request was not
defined in the Configuration Management Server repository.
In this message, name is the name of the requested CONTROL-M.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Refresh the Configuration Management Server view, and
perform the request again.
CONTROL-M With The Same Name Or Code Already exists. Name: name,
Code: code
Explanation: An attempt to define a new CONTROL-M failed, since a
CONTROL-M with the same name or code already exists.
The variables in this message are:
name – the new CONTROL-M name.
code – the CONTROL-M short name.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Change the CONTROL-M name or code, and retry.
Invalid Or Unknown Operation On CONTROL-M; Operation: action
Explanation: An internal Configuration Management Server error occurred.
In this message, action is the operation name.
Value cannot be empty for field: fieldName
Explanation: The required fieldName field in a request was left empty.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Make sure you fill in all required fields in the request.
Bad value for field: fieldName, bad value is: value
Explanation: The fieldName field in a request contained an invalid value.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Enter a valid value in the fieldName field.
Failed to login as user: userName, rc: rc, message: text
Explanation: You could not log on to the database as the userName user (usually,
the administrator). This may be due to an incorrect user name or password.
The variables in this message are:
userName – the name of the user for whom the logon failed.
rc – the return code that is issued.
text – the displayed message text explaining why the logon failed, generated
by the database vendor.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Follow the instructions in the message.
The following request failed: requestName, rc: rc, Message: text
Explanation: The requestName user request failed.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Check the displayed message for the next action to perform.
Invalid number for deleted old alerts. rc: rc, Message: text, Deleted: deletedNum
Explanation: Old alerts are deleted from the ALARM table on specified dates. If
the delete action fails for any reason, the number of deleted alerts returned from
the query may be invalid (such as a negative number).
The variables in this message are:
rc – the return code that is issued.
text – the displayed message text.
deletedNum – the returned number of deleted alerts.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Check the displayed message for the next action.
A parameter with the same key already exists for paramName
Explanation: The user is trying to add a system parameter that already exists
into the PARAMS table.
System action: The parameter is not added to the PARAMS table.
User response: Check the details of the parameter and correct them. Repeat the
attempt to add the parameter.
Can't update, parameter's details do not exist: paramName
Explanation: The user is trying to update the paramName system parameter,
which does not exist in the database.
System action: The parameter is not updated to the PARAMS table.
User response: Check the details of the parameter and correct them. Repeat the
attempt to add the parameter.
Fail To Save Desired State In Database.
Explanation: The Configuration Management Server failed to update the state of
CONTROL-M in the EM database.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Check the Configuration Management Server log file.
Invalid State Code.
Explanation: An internal XML document received an invalid state code.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Invalid Or Unknown Process Type.
Explanation: An internal XML document received an invalid or unknown
process type.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Missing Mandatory Value tag.
Explanation: A mandatory tag or value is missing.
In this message, tag is the missing tag name.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
Invalid Or Unknown OS Type.
Explanation: An internal XML document received an invalid or unknown
operating system type.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User Not Registered
Explanation: The user token is not valid.
System action: The Configuration Management Server rejects the request.
User response: Reconnect to the Configuration Management Server to receive a
valid token.
CMS Gate is not connected to CONTROL-M name. Verify that CONTROL-M host
hostName and Admin Port port are correct, and CONTROL-M Configuration Agent
is up and running
Explanation: The CONTROL-M Configuration Agent is not connected to the
Configuration Manager.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
hostName – the CONTROL-M host name.
port – the port on which the CONTROL-M Configuration Manager listens, as
defined by CONTROL-M/EM.
System action: The request can not be completed.
User response: Verify that CONTROL-M host and port are correct, and that the
CONTROL-M Configuration Manager is up and running.
Failed to connect to CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager Configuration Agent.
Explanation: A connection could not be established with the CONTROL-
M/Enterprise Manager Configuration Agent.
User response: Verify that the CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager Configuration
Agent on ${%s} is running.
EM - CONTROL-M name Communication Service Timed Out. timeout=time,
type=type, instance=ID
Explanation: A communication service between the Gateway and CONTROL-M
timed out. This service can be a request for an action, such as hold or free, or a
request for information, such as SYSOUT, log or download.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
time – the length of the timeout, in seconds.
type – the type of requested service.
ID – the internal service ID.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway.
User response: Generally, a service timeout is an indication of a performance
Upload of tableName Aborted (time-out), no answer from CONTROL-M name.
timeout=time, instance=ID
Explanation: A service that was uploading a definition table timed out. This
message appears together with general timeout message 29001. The final status
of the upload is unknown.
The variables in this message are:
tableName – the definition table name.
name – the CONTROL-M name.
time – the length of the timeout, in seconds.
ID – the internal service ID.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway.
User response: Retry the operation.
Download of tableName Aborted (time-out), no answer from CONTROL-M name.
Explanation: A service that was downloading a definition table timed out. This
message appears together with general timeout message 29001. The status of the
table in CONTROL-M/EM is unknown.
The variables in this message are:
tableName – the definition table name.
name – the CONTROL-M name.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway.
User response: Retry the operation.
Download of tableName Aborted in Gateway, CONTROL-M name.
Explanation: A service that was downloading a definition table aborted. The
status of the table in CONTROL-M/EM is unknown.
The variables in this message are:
tableName – the definition table name.
name – the CONTROL-M name.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway.
User response: Retry the operation and check the Gateway log for additional
Gateway Client (name) Message Queue Overflows. max_ws_queue_size =
maxSize Actual = actualSize.
Explanation: A message that cannot be sent over the communication channel,
because the TCP buffer is full, is temporarily written into an internal buffer. This
message indicates that the buffer for communication with one of the Gateway
clients (GUI Server, Global Alerts Server, or Global Conditions Server) is full.
The buffer size is determine by the value of the max_ws_queue_size parameter
in the Defaults.rsc file.
The variables in this message are:
name – the Gateway client name.
maxSize – the maximum number of characters specified for the buffer.
actualSize – the actual size of the queue.
System action: The problematic communication channel is closed and reopened.
User response: If necessary, increase the value of the max_ws_queue_size
parameter in the Defaults.rsc file.
Gateway CONTROL-M name Server Message Queue Overflows.
max_mf_queue_size = maxSize Actual = actualSize.
Explanation: A message that cannot be sent over the communication channel,
because the TCP buffer is full, is temporarily written into an internal buffer. This
message indicates that the buffer for communication with the CONTROL-M
Server is full. The buffer size is determine by the value of the
max_mf_queue_size parameter in the Defaults.rsc file.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
maxSize – the maximum number of characters specified for the buffer.
actualSize – the actual size of the queue.
System action: The problematic communication channel is closed and reopened.
User response: If necessary, increase the value of the max_mf_queue_size
parameter in the Defaults.rsc file.
Gateway CONTROL-M name, Received Update, but job not found in EM database,
For Order_ID orderID (decimalOrderID) Update Sequence Number number, Event
Time time
Explanation: The Gateway received a request from the CONTROL-M/Server to
update an active job, but the job was not found in the CONTROL-M/EM
database. This message indicates that the CONTROL-M/EM database is not
completely synchronized with the Active Jobs File (AJF) on the
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
orderID – the unique job order ID.
decimalOrderID – the job order ID in decimal format.
number – the sequence number of the update request.
time – the update time.
System action: The Gateway rejects the update request.
User response: Force the Gateway to download the AJF.
Active Download Failure. CONTROL-M name, Odate date, Net Name (netName),
Sequence Number number
Explanation: A request to download the Active Jobs File (AJF) from
CONTROL-M failed. For additional details, check the Gateway log file.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
date – the order date.
netName – the internal name of the net.
number – the sequence number of the update request.
System action: The Gateway closes the communication channel with
CONTROL-M, reopens it and tries to download the AJF again.
Create Alert Failure.
Explanation: The Gateway failed to insert an alert into the database. The
following alert parameters are displayed:
For descriptions of these parameters, see the CONTROL-M User Guide.
System action: The alert is discarded.
User response: Handle the alert as it was issued in the Global Alerts Client. For
additional details, check the Gateway log file.
Update Alert Failure.
Explanation: The Gateway failed to update an alert in the database. The
following alert parameters are displayed:
System action: The update is rejected.
User response: For additional details, check the Gateway log file.
Gateway - GCS Communication Service Timed Out. CONTROL-M name
timeout=time, instance=ID, Condition=condition
Explanation: A service for distributing global conditions timed out.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
time – the length of the timeout, in seconds.
ID – the internal service ID.
condition – the condition name.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway. Its status in the Global
Conditions Server (GCS) is unknown.
User response: For additional details, check the Gateway and GCS log files.
Verify that the specific condition is distributed as expected.
Gateway - GCS Communication Service Aborted In Gateway. CONTROL-M name,
instance=ID, Condition=condition
Explanation: A service for distributing global condition aborted, because
communication with the Global Conditions Server (GCS) closed.
The variables in this message are:
name – the CONTROL-M name.
ID – the internal service ID.
condition – the condition name.
System action: The service is cancelled by the Gateway. Its status in the GCS is
unknown. The Gateway recovery mechanism will redistribute the condition
when connection with the GCS resumes.
User response: Verify that the specific condition is distributed as expected.
EM Server failed to write audit action to the EM database (action = action,
user = userName, return_code = rc, db error = error
Explanation: The CONTROL-M/EM Server failed to write an audit action to the
CONTROL-M/EM database.
The variables in this message are:
action – the audit action that was not written to the database.
userName – the name of the user who requested the action.
rc – the return code that is issued.
error – the error returned from the database explaining why the write action
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays an
explanation of the write failure.
User response: Your database may be experiencing Customer problems. If you
cannot fix the problems, contact BMC Software Customer Support.
CONTROL-M Configuration Manager failed to erase old audit records from the EM
database. Please, delete them manually via erase_audit_data script. (return_code
= rc, error = text
Explanation: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager failed to erase old audit
records from the CONTROL-M/EM database within the default deletion period
of 360 minutes.
System action: The CONTROL-M Configuration Manager displays this message.
User response: Use the erase_audit_data script to delete old records manually.
Database server is unavailable for more than number minutes.
Explanation: The Central Management Server (CMS) warns that it has had no
communication with the database server for more than number minutes. The
default is 60 minutes.
System action: The CMS stays up even when the database is not available. This
message appears after the database has been down for one hour.
User response: Check the database server.
Communication with the database server was lost and can not be recovered.
Server is shutting down in number minutes.
Explanation: The Central Management Server (CMS) issues this message when
the connection to the database is lost and cannot be recovered. The CMS
remains active for number minutes after communication is lost so that users can
receive this message.
System action: The CMS remains active for number minutes. The default is
10 minutes.
User response: Recycle the CMS to reestablish the connection.
Database server is unavailable for more than number seconds. Server is shutting
Explanation: The CONTROL-M/EM server component that issued this message
has not had communication with the database for more than number seconds.
System action: The server component shuts down.
User response: Check the database server. After it is available, verify that the
CONTROL-M/EM server component has restarted.
Communication with the database server was lost and can not be recovered.
Server is shutting down.
Explanation: The CONTROL-M/EM server component that issued this message
detected that it has lost its communication with the database server, and that
this connection cannot be recovered.
System action: The server component shuts down. If the server component is
managed by the CONTROL-M Configuration Manager and its desired state is
Up, it will reconnect to the database when it restarts.
User response: Verify that the server component has restarted.
Server failed to read system parameter type: paramType, name: paramName.
Explanation: The CONTROL-M/EM server component failed to read a system
parameter from the PARAMS table. This might be due to a problem with the
database. This message is not displayed when the system parameter is missing
from the PARAMS table, which is a normal and valid scenario.
The variables in this message are:
paramType – the context of the system parameter. This can be a component type,
task specific or a general parameter.
paramName – the name of the requested system parameter.
System action: Either a default hard-coded value of the parameter is used, or the
last value of the parameter that was previously successfully read. Therefore, the
system behavior might be different from the behavior specified in the system
User response: Check that the database is available. If it is, check the log file of
the CONTROL-M/EM server component that issued this message to see why it
has failed to read the parameter.
Scheduling group with this scheduling table name already exists.
Change the scheduling table name or the scheduling table library.
Explanation: The scheduling table name specified for the new scheduling group
is already being used. Relevant when working with MVS.
System action: The system is unable to create a new scheduling group table.
User response: Specify a different scheduling table name or scheduling table
library for the new scheduling group.
Scheduling group with this scheduling table name already exists.
Change the scheduling table name.
Explanation: The scheduling table name specified for the new scheduling group
is already being used. Relevant when working with MPM.
System action: The system is unable to create a new scheduling group table.
User response: Specify a different scheduling table name for the new scheduling
A regular scheduling table with this name already exists.
Change the scheduling table name or the scheduling table library.
Explanation: The scheduling table name specified for the new scheduling group
is already being used for a regular scheduling table. Relevant when working
with MVS.
System action: The system is unable to create a new scheduling group table.
User response: Specify a different scheduling table name or scheduling table
library for the new scheduling group.
A regular scheduling table with this name already exists.
Change the scheduling table name.
Explanation: The scheduling table name specified for the new scheduling group
is already being used for a regular scheduling table. Relevant when working
with MPM.
System action: The system is unable to create a new scheduling group table.
User response: Specify a different scheduling table name for the new scheduling
Lock Table Failed
Explanation: The scheduling table containing this job is locked. This operation
cannot be completed.
Unauthorized user
Explanation: You are not authorized to perform this operation.
Create scheduling group failed.
Explanation: The group name specified does not match the group name of the
scheduling group as follows: ${%s}${end}.
User response: Change the group name or the scheduling group’s group name so
that they are identical as follows: ${%s}${end}.
Server call failure
Explanation: A server failure has occurred while locating the job definition.
GUI Server failed to load active net. (server, collection)
Explanation: The GUI Server failed to load an active net for a specific
CONTROL-M Server when opening a ViewPoint.
System action: No jobs for the specified CONTROL-M Server are displayed. If
the problem is due to an unavailable database, the GUI Server stops responding.
User response: Your database may be experiencing Customer problems
GUI Server failed to load archived net. (server, collection, net)
Explanation: The GUI Server failed to load an archived net for a specific
CONTROL-M Server when opening a ViewPoint.
System action: No jobs for the specified CONTROL-M Server are displayed. If
the problem is due to an unavailable database, the GUI Server stops responding.
User response: Your database may be experiencing Customer problems.
GUI Server failed to load active net. Net table was not found in database. (server,
Explanation: The GUI Server failed to load an active net for a specific
CONTROL-M Server when opening a ViewPoint, because the table with the net
data does not exist in the database.
System action: No jobs for the specified CONTROL-M Server are displayed in
the ViewPoint.
GUI Server failed to load archived net. Net table was not found in database.
(server, collection, net)
Explanation: The GUI Server failed to load an archived net for a specific
CONTROL-M Server when opening a ViewPoint, because the table with the net
data does not exist in the database.
System action: No jobs for the specified CONTROL-M Server are displayed in
the ViewPoint.
User response: No action is required.
Periodic calendar (calendar_CONTROL-M | calendar_name) used in periodic
statistics definition ' periodic_stats_def_name' was not found.
Explanation: This message is related to the CONTROL-M/EM periodic statistics
mechanism, which is using a periodic calendar that is not defined. The periodic
calendar may have been deleted after the periodic statistics definition which
uses it was created. The variables in this message are:
periodic_stats_def_name – the name of the periodic statistics definition
calendar_CONTROL-M – the name of the CONTROL-M where the periodic
calendar is defined
calendar_name – the name of the periodic calendar
System action: Statistics for jobs which are related to this periodic calendar
(according to the Job Filter in the periodic statistics definition) are collected and
displayed as though these jobs are not related to any periodic calendar.
User response: Open the Periodic Statistics Manager (in CONTROL-M/EM
Desktop, Tools => Periodic Statistics Manager). Locate the indicated periodic
statistics definition. Determine which periodic calendar this periodic statistics
definition needs to use. Relate this periodic statistics definition to a calendar
which is defined in CONTROL-M/EM. Periodic calendars can be viewed,
created, uploaded and managed using the Calendar Manager (In CONTROL-
M/EM Desktop, Tools => Calendar Manager).
Invalid character at position position. Input: string.
Explanation: Job validation encountered an invalid character in one of a job's
The variables in this message are:
position – the position of the character in the string
string – the entire string
User response: Change the value of the field.
Field contains invalid value string.
Explanation: Job validation encountered an invalid value in one of a job's fields.
In this message, string is the entire string.
User response: Change the value of the field.
Delimiter character expected at index position. Input: string.
Explanation: An invalid character was used as a delimiter in one of a job’s fields.
A valid delimiter character was expected at a certain position in the character
The variables in this message are:
character – the expected delimiter character
position – the position of the character in the string
string – the entire string
User response: Change the value of the field.
Maximum length for that value should be maxLength
Explanation: The value that was inserted into one of a job's fields exceeded that
field’s maximum length.
In this message, maxLength is the maximum length of the value.
User response: Change the value of the field.
Invalid value number - out of range.
Explanation: The numeric value that was inserted into one of a job's fields was
out of range.
In this message, number is the numeric value that the user entered.
User response: Change the value of the field.
Invalid character character at position position. Input: string.
Explanation: Job validation encountered an value containing an invalid
character in one of a job's fields.
The variables in this message are:
character – the invalid character
position – the position of the character in the string
string – the entire string
User response: Change the value of the field.
The value contains invalid characters. Input string.
Explanation: Job validation encountered an value containing an invalid
character in one of a job's fields.
In this message, string is the entire string.
User response: Change the value of the field.
The value is too short. Input string.
Explanation: Job validation encountered an value that was too short in one of a
job's fields.
In this message, string is the entire string.
User response: Change the value of the field.
Invalid value: string
Explanation: Job validation encountered an invalid string in one of a job's fields.
In this message, string is the entire string.
User response: Change the value of the field.
String should not contain lower-case characters. Input string
Explanation: Job validation encountered lower-case characters in one of a job’s
In this message, string is the entire string.
User response: Change the value of the field.
The field must have a value.
Explanation: Job validation discovered that a mandatory field was missing from
a job.
User response: Change the value of the field.
Conflict: Job with value in field1 [and field2] field[s], cannot have value in the
following fields:
field3, field4 ... fieldn
Explanation: There are conflicts in the job definition. If a specific field has a
certain value, then other fields must be left empty.
In this message, field is the name of each specific field.
User response: Change the value of the specified field.
When the Tag Relationship is set to 'And', at least one scheduling tag must be
Explanation: Job validation discovered that the Tag Relationship in a job was set
to 'And', but no scheduling tag was selected.
User response: Specify at least one scheduling tag for the job, or change the tag
relationship to 'OR'.
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