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samedi 27 octobre 2012

Best IT books part 1

Here some of the best IT book out there :

SAP books


lundi 22 octobre 2012

How to add or remove Quantitative Resources on Control-M

Here a quick video about Control-M "Quantitative Resources"


BAPI returned: EXM237 Receiver object could not be created


Last week some SAP jobs returned this error :

 Error message: - BAPI (BAPI_XBP_JOB_CLOSE) FAILED. BAPI returned: EXM237 Receiver object could not be created Error code: 237

 This error comes from a wrong "spool list recipient"

Go to SAP tab on Control-M and click on it


 ok, now delete all entry here :

 Done !

Ps: now say their (SAP boys) not to make mistakes. ^^

"BAPI returned: EXM066 Immediate start not currently possible"

When you have a lot of SAP Control-M jobs on the same SAP server we can experience this kind of error :

"BAPI returned: EXM066 Immediate start not currently possible"

Easy... Your SAP box is out of Process...

 We have 2 solutions here:

- Increase your SAP process


-Put you SAP Jobs in ASAP (in sap tab) in place of IMMEDIATE 


Done !

Now your Jobs will run when there will have processes (and can be slightly shifted ^^ but not finishing KO)

dimanche 21 octobre 2012

Useful SQL request for Control-M


Some useful SQL request :


select * from CMR_IOALOG where MSGID='5134' and LOGDATE='20120722'

Here we  put a SQL request  to get the job KO (5134) for the date of 22 July 2012 Jobs OK ==> 5133  

See those who created the jobs and those who have changed ==>


ordered by date descending ==>


See the Job Status :


Here we looking for “executings” jobs.

more complete version :

The status :

wait scheduling -> 0
wait confirm -> 1
submitted -> 2
not submitted -> 3
executing -> 4
ended -> 5
analyzed -> 6
disappered -> 7
post processed -> 8
Not found -> 9
wait rerun -> A
wait time -> B
wait cond -> C
wait ressource -> D
wait submission -> E
not known -> F
retry submit -> G
wait group sch -> H
fail submit -> I
unknown -> Z

With these status you can build your own SQL report ;)

Control-M Process


The Control-M processes :

SU: The Supervisor (p_ctmsu) performs heartbeat monitoring of all processes Before start of New Day, it suspends all the processes and then to itself

SL: The Selector (p_ctmsl) Makes a selection loop to determine which job will be submitted for the execution to the OS Performs partial jobs post-processing actions Frees all resources occupied by jobs

NS: The Network Server (p_ctmns) Manage the communication to all Control-M/Agents When a message arrives from the Agent, NS sends a trigger to a process that will handle the request Updates the Agent status file and notifies TR, SL, CD and CS processes by sending triggers

TR: The Tracker (p_ctmtr) Updates jobs state when informed by the agent Performs late execution shouts and DO STMT

CO: Communication Gateway (p_ctmco) It handles two types requests- one from CD like Download and other from Control-M/EM, to be handled by CS like order, view It analyzes requests and sends them to the appropriate destination

CS: Communication Service (p_ctmcs) All requests to the CS pass through the CO process Handles the requests that comes from Control-M/EM Multiple number of CS processes can be set

RT: Communication Router (p_ctmrt) Manage the communication messages between all processes Responsible for the messages to arrive in the correct order

WD: The Watchdog (p_ctmwd) Monitors essential Control-M processes, resources and sends an appropriate alert when there is a problem WD checks all the primary Control-M processes are functioning

LG: The Logger Process

CD: Communication Download Process (p_ctmcd) CD process checks if the New Day Time has arrived It sends a message to SU to suspend all Control-M processes and the “STOP LINK” message to Control-M/EM CD updates the IOALOG about New-Day Beginning and updates a Date in the Control-M server database [showmyads] It sends the New Day message to all available agents for cleanup purpose It cleans the jobs from Active Job File, log messages and statistics information It orders jobs upon their scheduling criteria to the AJF Once New day is completed, it sends the “START LINK” message to Control-M/EM and a message to CO to activate all the Control-M processes.

How to install / upgrade Control-M Server / EM 6.4 to 7.0

Hello, In this post we going to install (or upgrade) Control-M Enterprise Manager, Server and agent 6.4 to 7.0 version.

I choose to make an "All in one" howto, because upgrading have only few steps in addition to the installation.

If you are upgrading, the first step is downloading the "Migration tool kit" (find it in the public BMC repository). If you just want install, skip the first step ;)

After the installation you can check in the Control-M Enterprise Manager folder, a new one : migration_export

Open a shell and execute the "migration.bat" and choose the good option.

This step check your data. If all is OK, the export files are stored in "migration_export" folder.

Now move this folder to a temp/secure folder because for the upgrade we must uninstall previous Control-M components (and of course everything will be delete...)


For upgraders : you need to uninstall all Control-M components before.

Installing Control-M Servers and Enterprise manager is really smooth and easy.
Take your Control-M Enterprise Manager CD/packages Double-click "setup.exe"

!!! If you upgrade sometimes we have some little problems !!!

Wait...We have already uninstall all components... Check the regedit


Delete all "Control-M" input here. Now we can continue...

Choose the default settings (for specific settings, wait another post ^^ ) and...

OK...we must install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 before...
After that you need to specify all the settings (Installation path, database size, database passwords...)

Check if all is OK

Click install and...

Go for a coffee ^^ It's done !

Upgraders : now take your "migration_export" folder and rename it to "migration_import"
put it in Windows : <em_home>\migration_import\ Launch "migration.bat" and choose option 1 and follow the on-screen instructions until the import is complete.

Done !

How to add and configure Control-M Agents

Adding Control-M agents is very easy.

I show you the differents methods (graphical via CCM or command line via ctm_menu)  to achieve this.

Like always, i make a short video you'll find at the end of post ;)

First, of course, Agents must be installed ( Installation of Control-M Server and Agents soon... ;)  ).  

First method : Control-M Configuration Manager

The easy way ! ^^ Login to CCM (with Administrator privileges)
Go to "Components" ==> "New" ==> "Control-M Agent"

Now put the right Control-M Agent name

Click "OK"


Done !

Isn't that so easy ? :)

Second method : command line via ctm_menu

Choose option n°9 "Agent Status"

Next, option n°6 (the easy way ^^)

Enter the correct Agent name

Press enter

OK...check your "Configuration Control-M Manager client" :

Done !   Here a quick video

How to start and stop a Control-M Server

Control-M is for me the best Scheduler out there.

The BMC team is listening to its customers and their needs (that's pretty rare in this business...) and are always innovative. More info here This first post is about checking, starting and stopping the Control-M Server (Windows host).

 First open the cmd:


 Now, enter "ctm_menu"


 Ok, here the ctm_menu. To check, start or stop a Control-M Server,  enter option n°1

We have many options here, we will see this later ;)

Now type 1 "Check All" option

This option check all the Control-M Server components on the host.

Fine ! Everything is working. Now if you want shutdown all the component : Choose the option n°6

You can stop a specific component ==> Stopping the database : 7 Stopping Control-M Server : 8 Stopping the configuration agent : 9   Starting all or a specific component is the same way...Choose the good option ;).

A quick video about ctm_menu :